Payroll transaction processing system
Payroll transaction processing system

Along with a large amount of finance involved in this system, there are legal ramifications involved for the organization too. Since the payroll is often the largest expense incurred by an organization, it becomes imperative for the organization to ensure that the payroll processing system is as accurate and error-free as possible.

payroll transaction processing system

On the paper, it may seem that the generation of a pay slip is a straight-forward process but there are multiple processes that go behind the curtain to ensure that the payslip generated is accurate. Since the basic premise of any job is monetary compensation for the work done by the employees, any failure in fulfilling this system would lead to complete failure of the organization. Why You Should Have A Payroll Processing System?Ī payroll processing system is one of the most critical pillars for any organization, regardless of its size, sector, or industry. There are no lengthy and complex spreadsheets required as the system takes into account all the deduction applicable for the employees on its own and calculates the net pay automatically, reducing both the chances of error and your workload. In the same way, the integration with the leave management system enables it to calculate the vacation days on its own.


Therefore, there is no manual input required as it generates the payroll automatically based on the attendance registered for the specific pay period through the attendance management system. When it comes in a human resources management package, it is integrated internally with the attendance management system and the leave management system. Just like an attendance management system, a payroll processing system can either be a standalone system or a part of an integrated human resources management system package. A payroll processing system can be maintained completely manually, through a spreadsheet, or through an online payroll processing system. It takes into account the number of hours or days worked by the employees, their pay rate, and their applicable deductions. What Is A Payroll Processing System?Ī payroll processing system refers to the system of the payment of the monthly wages to the employees by the organization. The only feasible solution for payroll processing is an online payroll processing system that takes care of the whole process from the start to the end. Add attendance management, leave management, and bank accounts to the mix and you are looking at spreadsheets that would not end and calculations that will take forever. But if there are hundreds of employees with different compensation packages, things turn a tad bit more difficult. If there are only five-ten employees in the company, it is easier to keep track of their respective salaries and hand them in cash at the end of the month. But is it so easy to hand-out money to the employees at the end of every month or does it require a bit more? In simple terms, payroll processing refers to the disbursement of salary to the employees of the organization. In fact, one of the biggest factors that employee look for before joining any new company is their compensation package and the payroll processing date as everyone wants the salary on time every month. The basic premise of employment is to gain monetary compensation in lieu of the work done for the organization. One of the most important functions of the human resources department that is salient for the working of an organization is payroll processing. The human resources department has to strike a fine balance between what is right for the organization and what is right for the employees.

payroll transaction processing system

The size of the organization and the sector of the economy brings on to the table challenges that are unique to that particular industry. Whether it is a small organization or a multi-national company, the work for the human resources department has always been cut out. As the soul of the organization, their management takes the foremost importance for the human resources department. The most critical resource for an organization is its employees who are the soul of the organization.

Payroll transaction processing system